Savings: 6 times your annual salary by age 55.
- Prune my stock portfolio. Going into the 2008 crash, nearly four out of every 10 401(k) investors in their mid-fifties to mid-sixties had 80% or more of their accounts in stocks. To avoid damage from market meltdowns near the end of your career, scale back your stock stake to 60% or less by your early sixties. And once you're close to retiring, keep two years' worth of expenses in cash.
- Map out a blueprint for my retirement. When you quit working, how will you fill the hours of each day? How much traveling will you do? And will you stay put or relocate? Fill in the blanks and create a real budget.
- Run (and rerun) my income plan. A financial planner or the Retirement Income Calculator tool at troweprice.com can help determine if your savings plus Social Security and any pensions will generate enough income -- safely -- to meet your needs.
- Look into when to take Social Security. Should you collect Social Security benefits at 62, or wait longer to boost your checks by as much as 77%? The Social Security Adminstration's Retirement Estimator tool will help you map out your options.
- Work on my Plan B. Things don't always go as planned. So keep your income options open. In case you need part-time employment, maintain ties to colleagues at work even after you retire. And look into ways you can tap home equity, for instance through a reverse mortgage.
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