Before filing a
divorce suit, you should be absolutely sure that your marriage is beyond salvage. Whether you deem it necessary to pursue a divorce is an entirely personal decision and one that ONLY you can make. If you determine that a marriage relationship cannot be salvaged, then pursuit of a divorce is the appropriate alternative.

On the other hand, if you are uncertain whether a divorce is necessary, then filing suit is premature. Initiating a
divorce suit is expensive because experienced attorneys will request that you pay a retainer and at least a portion of that sum will not be refunded if you change your mind after the suit is filed. Hostility rises and communication diminishes with the filing of a divorce case and those factors usually make reconciliation more difficult. Therefore, if you have doubt about the course to pursue, you should encourage your spouse to participate in marital counseling and put forth every reasonable effort to save the marriage relationship before hiring a lawyer to file a
divorce case.
Helpful Advice
Once family, friends, or work associates learn that you are considering a
divorce, you will be inundated with “helpful advice”. The problem, from your perspective, is one of how to sort the good advice from the bad advice. Your marriage relationship is one of two unique personalities (you and your spouse) joined in a unique physical, emotional and psychological relationship (the marriage) while dealing with the unique aspects of your financial situation and all of the unique relationships between yourselves, families, work associates, etc.. The bottom line is – your marriage and the difficulties that led to thoughts of divorce are unlike any other set of marriage or
divorce circumstances. Your marriage is one of a kind and the issues related to your
divorce are one of a kind.
For more
divorce information, view some of my other blog posts.