Why is that? “Women appreciate and are very skilled at executing routines,” says Lynn Ballu, CFP and principal of Ballu Plum Wealth Advisors in Lafayette, CA.
David Bach, author of Smart Women Finish Rich agrees with Ballu that the best approach to finances is a systematic one–and one that women excel at executing if they get started early. “The secret for women and wealth is to get your financial life and retirement planning on “automatic,” he says. From your first paycheck, make the decision to pay yourself first–directly into your tax-deductable retirement account for the future.
For a woman in her 20s, Bach’s recipe for future financial success is to pay yourself “at least one hour a day of your income [towards your retirement], which works out to about 12.5% of your gross income.” Getting in the habit of contributing to retirement accounts early, he says, is the easiest and most automatic way of accruing wealth. “Even if you’re not making a lot of money when you’re young, you’re getting into a good routine,” he says. “You have lower overhead when you’re young, so it’s the best time to start contributing before marriage, mortgages and kids slow down your savings.”
The added benefit of starting young with a significant percentage contribution: as your salary rises, so will the amount funneled into retirement–and you’re less likely to feel the blow to your take-home. An obvious, but important rule of thumb from Susan Fulton, CEO of FBB Capitol in Bethesda, MD, for those lucky enough to still see company-matches on 401k investments: “Always aside aside as much as is matched by your company because that’s a 100% increase. Never say no to free money.”
But getting started in saving is not enough. Ballu’s primary advice for women looking to save for retirement is “setting up and sticking to a systematic review schedule for your retirement planning, including your 401K and other long-term investments.”
Popular wisdom advises that you take a look at your retirement planning regularly to be sure everything is on-track for that fated day in the future when you turn in your final resignation and take your leave from the money-making world.
But when, and how often? “You shouldn’t check your 401K every day or even every month,” says Fulton. “But take stock yearly and take a deeper look every five years at your retirement plans to see how it’s performing, particularly during the first 45 years of employment.” Evaluate whether or not your account is on-track to meet your goals. After that, she says that checking in on your retirement accounts should become more frequent as you near retirement.
But what are you looking for? In terms of return on investment, Mark Davis, SVP of Investment Services and director of Retirement Services for SunTrust Bank says this: “The approach should be whether you’re on track to retire. Consider your living expenses now and adjust those expenses for inflation and lifestyle changes to find what you’ll need in retirement. Determine whether the growth of your 401k investment will be able to cover those expenses.”
If not, Davis says you can go one of two ways: for a conservative investor, one who is not comfortable with the ups and downs of the market, a 401k account can see a low return rate of 2 to 3%, which he points out is often not enough to cover the inflation adjustment for retirement. Yes, milk will cost more in 2050 than today–plan for it. In order to increase your savings to cover retirement expenses, the only answer is to put more money into the account.
Or, you can get more aggressive. Aggressive investments can see returns more in line with the performance of the S&P 500–which has yielded an average annual return of about 10% per year over time. If you can weather drops in the market and still sleep at night, an aggressive portfolio is the way to go.
With that in mind, if you open your statement for your yearly checkup and see growth of 2%, which only barely covers for inflation, it’s time to take action. Either adjust the amount of money you contribute annually, or pick up the phone or log onto your account provider’s website to look into making changes.
With an advisor’s help, you can make tweaks to the individual funds within your 401K or adjust the ratio of “risky” stocks to “safer” bonds or fixed-income funds. “The account should be extremely balanced,” says Bach, who worked for Morgan Stanley before becoming an author. “We rarely had clients who had more than 60% of their total investment in stocks.”
But women, especially, often choose to make changes to their retirement planning for issues other than slow growth or low interest on the account. Life changes can affect both what you will need for retirement and how much you will be able to contribute. Getting married? You’ll have to plan for two. Having a baby? You’ll need that money for diapers. Ballu uses the examples of buying a home or paying for a child’s education as reasons why some women choose to pull money out of a retirement account for a period of time (despite high penalties) which then must be made up for by putting a greater percentage of the remaining funds into risky but potentially high-earning stocks.
For women starting a 401k is a great start towards a comfortable retirement,” she says, but it isn’t the final answer. “Women want to be helpers for their families, relatives and friends, and if all you’ve done is put everything into a 401k plan we can’t help when we’re needed. Women, especially need the flexibility of having savings that are accessible and not entirely locked into an account that can only be borrowed against with high penalties. “It’s very important to think outside of the 401k to savings that are not tied up in a plan so you have the ability to craft a whole portfolio with all of the different components with different levels of availability.”
Ballu and Bach take different approaches to 401k planning. As Bach’s lesson for women lies in the “autopiloting” of retirement accounts, he is a big proponent of Target Dated 401ks. The idea is simple. Determine the year in which you want to retire. Go to your 401(k), or to your individual brokerage account, and find the “target date” fund that matches your retirement date. Start siphoning your retirement dollars into that one fund.
As the years go by, your fund, which starts on the risky side, is routinely rebalanced and becomes incrementally more conservative. The theory is that as your retirement date arrives, the changing asset mix will provide the proper recipe for stability and growth. Whether the math works in your favor depends largely on the market. But will it leave you in good shape for retirement?” For 99% of Americans the answer is yes,” says Bach. “The most important thing isn’t specifically where your money is allotted to, but how much you’re putting away for the future. The advantage of a time-dated account is a healthy blend of stocks, bonds and global investments.”
“I’m not wild on target dated accounts,” shares Fulton, “I’m not wild on anything based on a mathematical model because unfortunately human beings are involved in investments. Those models may not hold up once people start working them or the markets shift for unpredicted reasons.”
Case in point: “In 2007-2008 we had a terrible year for bonds, which are supposedly less risky than stocks. So we had people nearing retirement with target-dated accounts that held heavy bond portfolios and they ended up on the losing end.”
“Women with the best results tend to their retirement portfolio on a consistent basis,” agrees Ballu. “In this day and age anybody on autopilot may be deceiving themselves on how life “should be” and money “should be” managed.” The bottom line to retirement maintenance for women, she says, is to see the plan as a part of the big picture: your life. “Step back and look at your life plan,” she says. “How much you’re earning now and how much you will be earning versus spending will go a long way towards helping you plan where retirement savings should be.” If you look at this picture regularly, you should see long term health—and wealth.
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